Pretty "Hangin with my cow heifers Floral shirt"

Hangin with my cow heifers Floral shirt is a pretty shirt. By definition, a heifer is most likely below three years of age that does not have a calf yet. A heifer is a cow that can be pregnant with her first calf at present but has not yet given birth to it. If ever this cow had one calf, then it will already be regarded as a first-calf heifer. Heifers are young cows that are basically past their weaning age. By contrast, cows are the more mature bovine. For them to be regarded as a full-fledged cow, they must have at least two calves already.

Click to buy this shirt: Hangin with my cow heifers Floral shirt


Hangin with my cow heifers Floral women v-neck shirt


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