New "Your Daddy My Daddy You Wouldn’t Understand Truck Driver shirt"

Let's buy this Your Daddy My Daddy You Wouldn’t Understand Truck Driver shirt. “When it comes to being a truck driver and having a family there is a choice that has to be made. Either you give up some of the time you spend at work and have some quality time with your family or you choose to work. You are most likely never going to have weekends off and your kids, if you have any, will miss you terribly and wonder where their dad is all the time. My father never had off on the weekends. He typically had Wednesday and Thursday off but I had school and he was always too tired to spend any time with me when I got home from school. Regardless of my stepmom fighting for his attention as well, she always got it.”


Your Daddy My Daddy You Wouldn't Understand Truck Driver women v-neck shirt


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