Nice "To my Granddaughter once upon a time when i asked god for an angel he sent me you poster"

To my Granddaughter once upon a time when i asked god for an angel he sent me you poster
 is a nice poster. “I have a wonderful 2-year-old granddaughter who brings great joy to my life. However, my husband says I think and talk about her too much, and that I need to get a life that doesn’t revolve around her. Is it abnormal to want my granddaughter in my life so much? Is it unhealthy to talk about her so much? I’m not a big fan of the word normal. For one thing, I don’t believe any of us qualifies. Part of what makes life so interesting is that we’re each unique individuals who put our own stamp on our life experiences. I also know that when we compare ourselves to people we think are “doing it right” (whatever it happens to be) the one predictable outcome is that we feel bad about ourselves.”


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