Review nice Woman by birth veteran by choice shirt and hoodie
Woman by birth veteran by choice shirt is a nice shirt. “There are 2.2 million women veterans in the United States, but at no time before have women stepped up in greater numbers and have so many of us been in the line of fire. The sad truth, however, is that when we hang up our uniforms, many of us feel invisible.
Click to buy this shirt: Woman by birth veteran by choice shirt

I’m tired of hearing from women veterans that they’ve scolded for parking in the “Veterans Only” spaces at the grocery store. Or worse, hearing that a VA ER doctor misdiagnosed a bleeding veteran’s common pregnancy complication. Women have served in the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War, when Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a man, joined the Army and served 17 months before being honorably discharged. More recently, over 345,000 women have served overseas since 9/11, including me and many of my closest friends.”

I’m tired of hearing from women veterans that they’ve scolded for parking in the “Veterans Only” spaces at the grocery store. Or worse, hearing that a VA ER doctor misdiagnosed a bleeding veteran’s common pregnancy complication. Women have served in the U.S. military since the Revolutionary War, when Deborah Sampson disguised herself as a man, joined the Army and served 17 months before being honorably discharged. More recently, over 345,000 women have served overseas since 9/11, including me and many of my closest friends.”

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