Introduce adorable Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham shirt and hoodie
Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham shirt is a adorable shirt. Green Eggs and Ham is a children’s book by Dr. Seuss, first published on August 12, 1960. As of 2016, the book has sold 8 million copies worldwide. The story has appeared in several adaptations starting with 1973’s Dr. Seuss on the Loose starring Paul Winchell as the voice of both Sam-I-am and the first-person narrator.
Click to buy this shirt: Dr Seuss Green Eggs and Ham shirt

The story follows an unnamed character who does not like green eggs and ham and his adversary Sam-I-Am who wants him to eat it. The story becomes a refrain as Sam persistently follows his rival through an assortment of locations (in a house, in a box, in a car, in a tree, on a train, in the dark, in the rain, on a boat) and dining partners (a mouse, a fox, and a goat). The character finally gives in and tries the dish, just to make Sam “let him be”, and finds it quite tasty, happily responding, “I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you. Thank you, Sam-I-am.”

The story follows an unnamed character who does not like green eggs and ham and his adversary Sam-I-Am who wants him to eat it. The story becomes a refrain as Sam persistently follows his rival through an assortment of locations (in a house, in a box, in a car, in a tree, on a train, in the dark, in the rain, on a boat) and dining partners (a mouse, a fox, and a goat). The character finally gives in and tries the dish, just to make Sam “let him be”, and finds it quite tasty, happily responding, “I do so like green eggs and ham. Thank you. Thank you, Sam-I-am.”

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