Introduce perfect Rob Gronkowski 87 Thank you for the memories signature shirt and hoodie
Rob Gronkowski 87 Thank you for the memories signature shirt is a perfect shirt. Gronkowski was born in Amherst, New York, on May 14, 1989, and was later raised in Williamsville. He is the second youngest son of Gordon Gronkowski and Diane Walters, and is of Polish descent. His father is a former college football guard for Syracuse University who later founded a high-end fitness equipment business.

Click to buy this shirt: Rob Gronkowski 87 Thank you for the memories signature shirt
He is the great-grandson of Ignatius Gronkowski who represented the United States in cycling at the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, and held five world records in the sport. Gronkowski’s parents divorced in 2006 when he was a senior in high school. His four brothers – Gordie, Dan, Chris and Glenn – all played collegiate sports, and later played professionally.
See another shirt at: Happiness is being a Mom and Nana shirt

Click to buy this shirt: Rob Gronkowski 87 Thank you for the memories signature shirt
He is the great-grandson of Ignatius Gronkowski who represented the United States in cycling at the 1924 Summer Olympics in Paris, France, and held five world records in the sport. Gronkowski’s parents divorced in 2006 when he was a senior in high school. His four brothers – Gordie, Dan, Chris and Glenn – all played collegiate sports, and later played professionally.

See another shirt at: Happiness is being a Mom and Nana shirt
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