Review pretty My Spirit Animal Is A Drunk Unicorn Who Stabs Annoying People T-shirt

My Spirit Animal Is A Drunk Unicorn Who Stabs Annoying People T-shirt is a pretty shirt. Alcohol can affect people positively by making them more relaxed and able to interact pleasantly with others and it can also dull physical pain. it helps some folks relax and get to sleep.

My Spirit Animal Is A Drunk Unicorn Who Stabs Annoying People v-neck tee

Click to buy this shirt: My Spirit Animal Is A Drunk Unicorn Who Stabs Annoying People T-shirt

However, too much of it (as is true of many other substances) can reduce judgement and coordination and inhibitions enough to make people behave inappropriately, hurt others emotionally and physically and cause dangerous injuries in a variety of ways. It can also be used medically as a disinfectant or a pain killer and has been used by combat medics for those purposes quite often. In past wars it was used to allow doctors to perform surgeries and removal of limbs as needed.

My Spirit Animal Is A Drunk Unicorn Who Stabs Annoying People premium tee



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